Ruby Barnhill plays a young girl named who encounters a Big Friendly Giant (Mark Rylance) who, despite his intimidating appearance, turns out to be a kindhearted soul that is considered an outcast by the other giants because, unlike them, he refuses to eat children. (PG – 115 minutes)
“The BFG” may appeal to some audiences – specifically those with an immature sense of humor and tolerance for pretentiousness – but most will find it difficult to believe that the mediocre new family flick is the product of director Steven Spielberg and “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” author Roald Dahl. Star Mark Rylance is charming as the title character but the non-giant characters – especially the one played by Ruby Barnhill – are too readily accepting of the film’s fantasy elements. Moreover, the story is slow-moving and reliant on cutesy dialogue and juvenile jokes about flatulence and the like to retain our attention. (2 Stars)