Actor Josh Duhamel, whose film credits include “Win a Date with Tad Hamilton” and the “Transformers” franchise, recently spoke with “Breakthrough Entertainment” about his role in the new dramatic thriller “Scenic Route.”
In “Scenic Route,” which opens Friday, Aug. 23 exclusively at Harkins Arizona Mills, Duhamel and Dan Fogler play best friends who are on a road trip when their old pickup breaks down, leaving them stranded on an isolated desert road. As the relentless elements of the desert grind them down, they start to attack each other’s life decisions with unwavering brutality.
Listen to “Breakthrough Entertainment’s” full interview with Duhamel by clicking HERE. The following is an excerpt from the interview in which the actor discusses his reasons for wanting to star in “Scenic Route,” what audiences can take away from the film and what this particular project taught him about himself.
“I knew that it was something that I wanted to do right off the bat. I related to it in a lot of ways. I got to have a mohawk, which was cool. I never had the chance to have a mohawk before, so that’s always good. And it was just a challenge for me to show something that I had never had a chance to show before. You always look for that as an actor to try and stretch and show people different sides of what you are capable of.
“I think that the lesson here is even though you may have big dreams as a 20-year-old and thought that you were going to go out and set the world on fire but look back and have not necessarily achieved all of the things that you thought you might, sometimes it takes dramatic events like this to realize that you have a lot of blessings in your life and that you should appreciate some of things that you do have.
“I think that it is a true in life that sometimes if something scares you, then you should do it because usually you are going to be happy that you went through that experience. This was a really scary undertaking because it was such a dense script and so difficult emotionally and physically to get through. And I learned a lot. I am a lot more confident and brave as an actor going forward because I went through something like this. So I learned a lot both from this character and from just the experience of making this movie.” – Josh Duhamel